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Card of the Day- January 22, 2023

🌿🛸💖January 22, 2023💖🛸🌿

💙ORION ACTIVATION💙 (Gateway of Light Activation Oracle Cards)

💥CONNECT:  Find Orion in the night sky or connect with the image online, then say: "Great wise ones of Orion, thank you for supporting my recreation and renewal. I am ready to shine like a star."

⚡️KEY WORDS: Supernova. Recreation. Renewal. Rebirthed by light.⚡️

Orion is one of the best known constellations in the night sky. Its name is Greek for "hunter" and its stars can be seen as a figure with a sword, accompanied by a dog Sirius. It is believed that the Orion constellation is home to a number of higher beings, many of whom are dedicated to the evolution of our planet.

The message today is that all of your fears and setbacks are being stripped from your energy now. It is essential for your old way of being to fall away and for you to go through a process of renewal in order to move forward.

The old stories of your life aren't yours to live out or live up to….. you are far greater than these limited experiences.

The beings of Orion are surrounding you now and they see you as one of them- someone who has been born with the knowledge that they can live with great purpose and make a real difference in the world. When you see this card you are being reminded that you have infinite star potential... so go out there and get it. You make your future with what you do today.


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