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Card of the Day- January 2, 2024- Oracle Message

🌿🛸💖January 2, 2024💖🛸🌿


Our bodies and subconscious can be too smart for their own good. By trying to keep us safe, they can actually keep us stuck in an unhealed pattern. Events, trauma, and unhealed pain from our past will get stored in our body's memory. You may not recall the event on a conscious level, but your subconscious always remembers. That is why we get triggered. Something happens and then BAM! You experience a strong emotional reaction of fear, shock, anger, or worry. This could be because you're remembering the past event- consciously or not.

Trauma protects itself from pain by creating a false identity around the experience. If you were hurt in your past, your ego will create a perception to help protect you from ever having to feel that pain again. For example, if you were told to be quiet or that you were "too much" as a child, you may feel as if you need to hold back or not be free to speak up. Your ego created a belief that it is not safe to be yourself, and that in order to fit in, you must avoid using your voice.

When we are triggered it is often the result of unhealed wounds that still live within us. When you feel these "negative" emotions try to reconnect with what matters to you most. What is true about life for you, and what illusions can you see past? When others do things that cause us to have a reaction, this is a mirror reflecting what is unhealed and needs to be viewed from within. If it did not need our attention, we would not feel triggered.  Try not to take things personally and to seek a higher view. Take time to feel your feelings, assess and process, then release them. As you do this you can connect with the deeper meaning that they bring. Using the energetic mirror will help you reconnect with your true self... the pure light and love radiating within you.

Mantra- I trust myself and choose the path that is best for me.

Question- What do I need in my life that I am not currently getting?

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