🌿🛸💖January 19, 2025💖🛸🌿

✨️I am being called to bring my own unique creations into form.✨
Do you have a creative idea that you are being called to bring to life? Is there a creation that's been asking you to show up to it? A book, a painting, a business, or a project? This card is a sign to tend to your creations each and every day and bring them to life. There are ideas that want to be expressed and breathed into life. Concepts and wisdoms that long to be brought into the physical, etched into stone, and made possible with your creative action.
Creativity is your natural state, for life itself is creative. You are a creative being and the more you creatively express yourself, the more alive you'll likely feel. Let yourself be a channel for the creations that are ready to be born. The artist is the vessel by which beauty and consciousness can be birthed upon this world. Creativity is a mystical act for it requires that we merge with the sacred to birth something new. Through the expression of beauty and consciousness, it breathes life into the beholder too. Like the ancient stones, your creations have the chance to outlive you. They are a way for you to leave your mark on the world and to say, "I was truly here."