🌿🛸💖January 19, 2023💖🛸🌿

💙MEMORIES OF ATLANTIS💙 (Gateway of Light Activation Oracle Cards)
💥CONNECT: Visualize yourself in a beautiful deep blue energy (Atlantic Ocean blue) and say: "Atlantean Council of Light, thank you for supporting the evolution of my soul so that I can surmount the karmic imbalances of my previous incarnations."
⚡️KEY WORDS: Spiritual acceleration. Progress. Technology.⚡️
Legend has it that Atlantis was an advanced civilization that existed thousands of years ago in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. Its people were highly evolved and had many spiritual gifts. They were telepathic, extremely psychic, and known for their ability to combine the laws of science and spirituality to develop technology and create Heaven on Earth.
You are being transported through a gateway to connect with ancient Atlantis. Know that by seeing this card today you are receiving blessings from the Atlantean Council of Light, who are dedicated to the evolution of the soul. You are becoming aware of your gifts, and this is an exciting time, but also a time when the energies of your ego can become loud and obnoxious. Know that this gateway is appearing to remind you to stay aligned with the highest good and rooted in the energy of devotion.
This card is also here to let you know that you are successfully raising your consciousness by having an open mind and understanding that Atlantis is and was a very real, special and beautifully peaceful place. This card is also a symbol of deep spiritual wisdom and Divine healing connection. Atlantis signifies our innate abilities to heal each other and ourselves; receive and send love; and communicate through the power of our minds.
We are capable of so much more, and we are just starting to see the tip of the iceberg. We are powerful and strong in peace and harmony, and our new consciousness is fueled by love.
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