🌿🛸💖January 18, 2023💖🛸🌿

💙LEMURIAN SEED CODES💙 (Gateway of Light Activation Oracle Cards)
💥CONNECT: Visualize yourself on an island surrounded by pale blue waters, living in harmony with all living beings. If you own a Lemurian Seed crystal, hold it in your left hand. Call out to the ancient ones of Lemuria and invite them to share their wisdom.
⚡️KEY WORDS: Embracing sensitivity. Uniqueness. Living with grace.⚡️
Lemuria was a civilization in the middle of a Pacific Ocean in ancient times. The inhabitants of the sacred land lived in complete harmony with nature and had a connection with every living being. Their inner vision was fully activated, to the point where it was thought that their pineal gland was fully developed and they could see for hundreds of miles in every direction in a similar way to the sonar of dolphins and whales. The majority operated from their heart space, honoring one another and nature.
You are a highly sensitive being. You might feel that this is a curse, but this card is here to let you know that it is a gift. It indicates that you have spent lifetimes upon lifetimes living with a giant shield up to stop the world from seeing the real you, but you are a highly unique soul with incredible attributes that are worth sharing. Through embracing your own uniqueness, you can help many others embrace their own. This lifetime is a more graceful existence with less defense and more trust. It is not about protecting yourself, but stepping into the space of surrender and revealing your true self.
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