🌿🛸💖January 16, 2025💖🛸🌿

✨I am not in a rush. It is safe for me to go slow and steady. I focus on my foundation and draw my strength from deep within.✨
Mountains symbolize inner strength and solidity. We have long been captivated by mountains, perhaps because of their sheer size and scale... many mountain ranges are visible from space. Those who reach the summits of mountains find their way above the clouds and can see farther than ever before, getting new perspectives the higher they go.
The thing about mountains is that without those strong, wide, solid foundations, the heights wouldn't be reached. This card is a reminder to go slow and steady with your goals so that you can soar higher than ever before. To ensure that you have strong, study foundations so that you can reach to the heavens. It is a reminder that, no matter how harsh the wind blows, nothing can knock you off center because you draw your strength from within. The shape of the mountain resembles a triangle, and the equilateral triangle is the strongest shape there is.. no matter how much pressure you put on each of the sides, it can not be broken, for it draws its strength from within.
The speed of our soul and our will can cause us to push ourselves for longer than is sustainable. The ancient stones have been here since the beginning, and they're always urging us to slow down to the speed of the Earth. The essence of the message here is to slow down so that you can speed up!
