🌿🛸💖January 14, 2023💖🛸🌿

💙HOLY GRAIL💙 (Gateway of Light Activation Oracle Cards)
💥CONNECT: Place your hands on your heart space and say the simple prayer: "Dear Source of light, thank you for filling the cup of my heart so I am overflowing with your love."
⚡️KEY WORDS: Inner discovery. Finding sacredness. You are what you seek.⚡️
You have been on a great quest. Seeking. Searching. Discovering. But the further you have gone, the more your heart has called you back. You may still be looking for treasure, but you are now discovering that all roads lead back to you. The great Source of creation holds up a shiny mirror in front of you and you see your reflection. You are the answer. You are the divine. You are created and you are creating.
The gateway of your divinity has opened and the vessel of your being is flowing with infinite light. You have been searching for God, and God is within. So go within. This is the key to Heaven. Your cup is overflowing. Your gifts are being unlocked. Let the world share your treasure.

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