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Card of the Day- January 11, 2024- Oracle Message

🌿🛸💖January 11, 2024💖🛸🌿


One of our fundamental needs as human beings is to be deeply heard, acknowledged, and understood. So many of us look outside of ourselves to fulfill this need. We chase and climb until we realize that no quick fixes can heal what must be nurtured on the inside. You are being called to notice that your inner world needs to be tended as much as your outer world. 

The only way to truly understand your magnificence is by going on an inward journey. You will always be rewarded for deep healing. On the other side of the work is pure self compassion, joy, love, forgiveness, and ultimate inner peace. Your inner-self consists of your hidden feelings, memories, thoughts, beliefs, wounds, and shadows that influence your ability to transform and feel your complete wholeness at a core level. 

The path of the spiritual seeker is ever-unfolding... forever more. This is a journey of your soul that carries over into lifetimes, so release the need to have it all figured out and just dive into life with excitement and wonder. When you heal yourself you are able to heal others. Shine your light inward so that you can feel a renewed sense of peace and purpose. 

Although inner work is often the hardest thing you will experience, it reaps tremendous rewards. Like a true alchemist, you are carving out a brave new path for your growth. Your future is paved with new, expansive beginnings as you heal what was and step into what will be.

Mantra- I am always growing, reinventing, and discovering myself. 

Question- How can I alchemize my fear?

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This one goes deep. Very deep

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