🌿🛸💖January 11, 2023💖🛸🌿

💙HATHOR LIGHT CODES💙 (Gateway of Light Activation Oracle Cards)
💥CONNECT: Visualize a pillar of light descending from the heart of the midnight sky and bathing your body in infinite light. Chant or call, "Hathor, Hathor, Hathor," to draw the Hathorian energy toward you. If there is an aspect of your life that needs light, think of it now.
⚡️KEY WORDS: Light immersion. Full-system upgrade. Power recall.⚡️
This is a light immersion. You are experiencing a full system upgrade. The infinite solar light of the Hathors is surrounding you now. This is a time of expansion and excitement. You are filled with unlimited potential. The gifts that were once in darkness are now being brought into the light. The parts of yourself that were once hidden are now being seen. Life is being restored. If you have been experiencing sluggishness or tiredness, this is now being washed away.
Something ancient has awakened within and you are remembering why you are here. Step into your power and flow. Welcome home to your light.

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