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Card of the Day- January 10, 2024- Oracle Message

🌿🛸💖January 10, 2024💖🛸🌿

YOUR TRUE TRIBE CAN'T SHOW UP UNTIL YOU DO.  (Unshakable Inner Peace Oracle Cards)

Do you crave deeper connection? So many of us live for others and make choices based on what others want from us. We put them first because we want so much to be liked and appreciated, but when we do this, we are hiding our true selves. When you hide your light, you can feel depleted, let down, and exhausted. 

Are you hiding pieces of yourself? Many think it is easier to go with the flow of the crowd, but in doing so, sacrifice their true self and needs. We fear speaking up and not being liked. We believe it is a risk to show ourselves and not be accepted. The opposite is true: your true tribe can't find you until you start showing up as the real you. 

Use this opportunity to start being more honest and real with yourself. What do you stand for? What do you need from a true friend? First give yourself these gifts. If you want more appreciation ask, "how can I appreciate myself?" From this foundation of self-love, you will grow your connection and attract more like-minded and like-hearted people. 

There are people out there who are waiting for real, deep, meaningful connections but they can't find you until you show up as your authentic self. Share yourself more openly with others. It is possible some people may fall away, but this makes room for the more genuine connections to come into your life.

Mantra- I am amazing and people who are positive in my life will see it and appreciate it.

Question- How can I show more of the real me?

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Can that question be answered how do I show up for the real me?

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