🌿🛸💖January 10, 2023💖🛸🌿

💙HALLS OF LEARNING💙 (Gateway of Light Activation Oracle Cards)
💥CONNECT: Think about a challenging time or lesson you are facing and say: "Source and Wisdom Keepers of the Halls of Learning, thank you for revealing to me the pattern, trauma, or wound that has created this lesson... so I can hear and integrate it once and for all." Then listen carefully.
⚡️KEY WORDS: Spirit guides. Confirmation. Great lessons.⚡️
The Halls of Learning, also sometimes known as the Great Halls, are an etheric retreat dedicated to spiritual knowledge. They are a training space for all souls, including those on Earth, spirit guides, and those between lives. They have been visited by many spiritual seekers, seers, and mediums over the years and have been described as a giant, somewhat gothic, university building with marble flooring, spiral staircases, and tall bookcases. Some have said these halls are the home to the Akashic Records.
Your message for today is that you are on the path to great learning. Spiritual beings are drawing close to support you. If you are facing challenging or difficult circumstances (or have just moved through such a time) you are being called to review what you have learned about yourself. If you are still feeling overwhelmed by a certain event or asking why it happened, call on Source and your guides to reveal to you the pattern, trauma, or wound that has contributed to this challenge. If you aren't experiencing challenging energy, the reason is that you have made huge progress on your spiritual journey. You have made so much that your perspective has changed so that you can view every challenge as a window of opportunity. The Halls of Learning Gateway can also indicate that your spiritual gifts are developing by leaps and bounds.

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