🌿🛸💖February 27, 2025💖🛸🌿

'I'o: Essence. Mystery (Mana Cards: The Power of Hawaiian Wisdom)
✨️️️️️️Bring cleverness, knowledge, supernatural powers so that earth may ascend✨
'I'o is a great mystery. The word itself has multiple forms, variations, and interpretations. 'I'o means: relative, heart, the gist of the matter, essence, true, or genuine. Spelled "Io" it symbolizes the divine and refers to the name of an endangered Hawaiian hawk whose appearance can signify a message from God. When spelled "I'o," the word is the name of the inner self soul.
'I'o is the origin and destination of all creation. It represents the perfect creation of a perfect Creator who radiates divine energy. The balance between the spiritual and the material worlds is lost when people turn to Spirit alone, losing touch with the beauty of nature, or when they turn to material alone, losing touch with love. Balance must be restored. It is important not to fall out of balance by forgetting to be grateful for all of life's mysteries and lessons.
The 'I'o chant can be used to get unstuck. The prayer appeals for assistance in overcoming distress or misfortune. It speaks of the earth ascending her wisdom to enable us to participate in actions that radiate divine energy back to the creator. If you feel alienated or desperate in any situation, consider whether anything is interfering with your ability to connect with your higher self or purpose, another person, or nature. If we forget to respect the miracle of creation, our lives may fall out of balance.
Be sure to take inventory of all that is currently manifesting in your life. The better you become at recognizing blessings, the more you can celebrate life's mysteries. As you begin to explore your inner world, remember that some mysteries don't need to be solved but only acknowledged and participated in. Even problems contain divine perfection. Everything is manifesting exactly as it should, even that what you can not presently comprehend it. Express gratitude for all of life's mysteries.
