🌿🛸💖Card of the Day- February 23, 2022💖🛸🌿
MEANDERING PATHWAY "Flow" (The Sacred Forest Oracle Cards)

Do you ever feel like you are trying to force a round peg into a square hole? It doesn't matter how hard you try... that bad boy just isn't going going fit. Sometimes in life I feel like I am just banging my head against the proverbial wall and I can't get "ahead" or to where I want to be. Try as I might, intentions and actions in place, it can feel like the world's worst dance of two steps forward and one step back. That is where the message of this card comes in to save my mindset... and hopefully to give you a little dose of encouragement.
When life presents you with a meandering path rather than a straight shot to a goal, you can feel frustrated. You might bemoan the fact that the path seems aimless, round-about, and that you can't see what is ahead. On the other hand, you can just enjoy the voyage. If life right now now seems to have some sinuous curves, bends, loops, and turns... don't despair. All is as it should be.
💥You don't have to have all the answers to succeed. You don't need to know what tomorrow holds to have an astounding future. You'll get to exactly where you need to be- for your highest good- if you just keep trying and going for it. This is all part of the plan.💥
If you are reading this, the message here is for YOU from your spirit team. They want you to know that it's okay to just flow. You aren't running out of time. In fact, everything is happening in just the RIGHT DIVINE time. Everything falls into place when you don't resist the flow of the meandering pathway of life. Allow the path to take you where you need to go. Don't hurry it or resist it. Simply let go, surrender, and enjoy the journey and the lessons you are picking up along the way.
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