🌿🛸💖Card of the Day- February 2, 2022💖🛸🌿
BUTTERFLY SPIRIT "Transformation" (The Sacred Forest Oracle Cards)

You receive this card when you are in the process of change. Old structures, beliefs, and ideas are falling away to be replaced with vitality and new pathways. Soon you will be seeing the world in a fresh way. You are at the beginning, in the middle, or at the completion of an enormous transformation in your life. Don't hold on to old structures and limited ways of thinking.
Even if it looks as if you are in murky waters and things feel confusing, and even if it seems like everything is dissolving around you, this is only the clearing that occurs just before a rebirth. It is all for your highest good. Remember that you are safe as these changes occur around you.
The butterfly is a powerful metaphor for transformation. For it to gain its wings, the caterpillar must weave a chrysalis and then completely dissolve into a kind of liquid soup before reforming into the shape of a butterfly. So relax into the changes. You are bringing vibrant energy into the world. The past is behind you. Everything is changing. It is time to launch a new cycle where miracles will abound.
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