🌿🛸💖Card of the Day- February 1, 2022💖🛸🌿
CRYSTAL CAVE "Trust" (The Sacred Forest Oracle Cards)

Caves have long been considered secret passageways to sacred powers and forces. Certain shamanic initiations occurred in caves because they were thought to be places where your intuition could be activated. The appearance of this card is a message to believe in your intuition, no matter where it takes you. Have faith in yourself and know that you are divinely guided… even when others have doubts. Trust your feelings about people and about situations. You're exactly where you need to be.
Trust is the foundation of the ability to manifest. Everything was created because someone believed that it was possible. Patience is absolutely crucial in the application of this principle. Change can happen in a heartbeat, but some things require time. Please be patient, and know that it will happen. Whatever receives your care and attention will flourish because you have planted your seeds and you are giving them time to grow.
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