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Card of the Day- December 22, 2023- Oracle and Spirit Message

🌿🛸💖December 22, 2023💖🛸🌿

TO RECEIVE, YOU MUST RELEASE. (Unshakable Inner Peace Oracle Cards)

Change is scary. Letting go of a situation, experience, or person who was once good for you- but no longer is- can bring up mixed feelings.  It can be terrifying to let go of aspects of your life, but it may be necessary at times for your ultimate growth. Holding on will only keep you stuck in a static, unfulfilling routine. It may feel as if the world is crumbling around you and everything you have worked for is suddenly falling away… but what if this isn't actually the case at all? What if everything falling away is removing itself so the new can take hold?

When we hold on to what wants to be released, we are resisting the natural flow of life. Shifts are happening all around you. Think of it as a spring cleaning for your soul. The things that are falling away... let them. As you do, you open yourself up to more of what is aligned to the emerging you. The universe has a beautiful plan for you, but you must let go of what you think your life is supposed to look like so you can welcome in the life that you are truly made for.

Use this time to reflect and re-align. Go inward and really get clear about who you are, what you stand for, and what matters most to you. When you are aligned with your truth, which is love, you have nothing to fear.

Mantra- I trust myself and the process. I know that I am supported. 

Questions- What can I let go of? What do I want to receive?

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