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Card of the Day- December 15, 2023- Oracle and Spirit Message

🌿🛸💖December 15, 2023💖🛸🌿

YOU HEAL BY RELEASING, NOT SUPPRESSING. (Unshakable Inner Peace Oracle Cards)

Imagine waking up every morning feeling balanced, centered, and connected to your higher self and source energy. What if you went through your life aligned, focused, and not easily triggered because you are in your authentic power? This way of living is possible and easier than you think when you realign with your true self, the love within. You can do this by feeling your emotions. Allow yourself to heal and grow by feeling your feelings. We all experience situations that cause us stress, and often we pack away these feelings and they get stored in our bodies. At a later time something may trigger us and we feel a surge of emotions... sometimes without knowing where they're coming from. 

Recognize this as a part of the healing process. You don't always have to know why you are feeling the way you are. Give yourself permission to express yourself and feel the feelings that can help move the energy through your body. Feel, learn, and release.

Mantra- I am growing and healing.

Question: What emotions do you need to feel?

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Dec 15, 2023

Love I want to feel Loved 🥰.

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