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Card of the Day- August 7, 2023

🌿🛸💖August 7, 2023💖🛸🌿

FOLLOW THE STREAM: Dedication. Trust. Future rivers and oceans. (The Healing Waters Oracle)

Streams can begin as small trickles and end up as immense rivers and vast oceans. They have been providing humanity with sustenance since we first appeared on this planet. Follow the stream and trust that one day it will carry you to the rivers and oceans of your future.

You are being called to surrender to the current of the waters that you are in and to trust the path that you are walking. Keep showing up, day after day, to continue with what you are building. What might seem like a small trickle right now holds the promise of becoming a river or ocean in the world. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and flow with your path.

This is a card of trust. You may not be able to see your future outcome yet, or perhaps you are not quite sure how to get to where you are going. On the journey, there will be many steps that require faith. This may be one of them. You are being encouraged to find the faith. To keep facing your True North, to follow the stream and let it carry you.

So, commit to your passions and be dedicated to what you are creating. Keep showing up, day after day. If you do, before you know it, you will have created something... simply by showing up in small consistent ways.

If you trusted your path, what would you do? Do that.

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