🌿🛸💖August 25, 2023💖🛸🌿

BRIGID: Inspiration. (Terra Qi Goddess Oracle)
Perhaps one of the most complex and contradictory Goddesses of the Celtic pantheon, Brigid can be seen as the most powerful religious figure in all of Irish history. Many layers of separate traditions have intertwined, making Her story and impact complicated but allowing Her to move so effortlessly down through the centuries. She has succeeded in travelling intact through generations, fulfilling different roles in divergent times. She was, and continues to be, known by many names. Referred to as Bride, Bridey, Brighid, Brigit, Briggidda, Brigantia, I am using Her name, Brigid, here. Brigid is the traditional patroness of healing, poetry and smithcraft, which are all practical and inspired wisdom. As a solar deity Her attributes are light, inspiration and all skills associated with fire. Although She might not be identified with the physical Sun, She is certainly the benefactress of inner healing and vital energy. Brigid was thought to be a bridge between humankind and the otherworld. Her imprint can be seen in sacred sites scattered all over the magnificent landscapes of Ireland. Brigid was also a protector of the home and the family. The ancient Celts also had rituals where an expectant mother would walk over ashes and embers, seeking the protection of Brigid for their unborn children.
️Affirm: I follow my passions and urges.
Your Message: Everything you are feeling drawn to has reason and meaning. You are being shown the sparks that ignite your soul. Many will not understand your vision but know that this beacon is for you.
Brigid represents resilience after difficulty, and the fire of inspiration, conception, and survival. She reassures us that the Wheel of the Year continues to turn, that the heaviness and darkness of tough times will always give way to the light of a new day.
It is time to embrace passion for change, for awakening, and for reaching higher levels of consciousness. You now need to pave your own path, do not attempt to follow the path of others as this will lead you astray. You must forge on, for there is a strength that has been bestowed upon you to endure and triumph.
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