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Card of the Day- August 22, 2023

Updated: Aug 24, 2023

🌿🛸💖August 22, 2023💖🛸🌿

ARIANRHOD: Divine Timing. (Terra Qi Goddess Oracle) Arianrhod is the Welsh Sky or Moon Goddess. She is the epitome of feminine celestial power who rules over fertility, childbirth and reincarnation. She is the most powerful child of Don, the primeval Mothergoddess, a parallel to the Irish Dana or Danu, and was described as very pale and very beautiful. Arianrhod was responsible for the souls of warriors who fell in battle. She gathered them aboard her ship, the Oar Wheel. and transported them to Emania, also know as Moonland. In the Northern sky, whirling around the enduring stability of the north star, Arianrhod presided over the fates of departed souls, nurturing their journeys between lives. ️Affirm: Everything is happening according to plan.

Your Message: Trust in the divine timing that is working with you and for you, not against you. You can call on your spirit guides and angels to open the doors that need to be opened, and to shut those that no longer serve your highest good. Ask to be shown the paths in which you may take to lead you to your desired outcome.

Stop applying pressure where it is not needed, once you do the rest will fall as it may. There is no need to rush or hurry things for they are happening, as they should, in perfect timing.


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