🌿🛸💖August 20, 2023💖🛸🌿

APHRODITE: Feminine Power. (Terra Qi Goddess Oracle)
Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty, is also identified as Venus by the Romans. Her main symbols include seashells, myrtles, roses, doves, sparrows, and swans.
️Affirm: I embrace my sensuality and deepen my inner love. I seek the beauty in everything.
Your Message: You are being called to feel the collective feminine energy rising. Recognize the immense power that lies within the human body that you have incarnated in. The sacred, ancient power that has lived through this form for many lifetimes. It is time to connect with the womb space and to see what lies within there. Feel the strength and delicateness of femininity and how they intertwine with one another. Remind yourself of the beauty of your creation... and of the creation of all. How can you bring more passion into your life? Where can you make your life more beautiful and sensory... to anchor you into the present moment?
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