🌿🛸💖August 17, 2024💖🛸🌿

🌊SOUL RECOGNITION (Salt Water Spirit Oracle Cards)🌊
🫧EVOCATION- I call in my soul family and kindred spirits to help assist me on my journey as I assist others on theirs.🫧
𖦹️KEY WORDS: Cosmic Egg, Kindred Spirits, Divine Orchestration𖦹
On our journey, we will encounter individuals who are meant to both help us and present challenges. These individuals are sent to us to help us reach our divine life purpose. Though some encounters will be categorized as karmic in nature, some will be incredibly special entanglements. Those are your Earth Angels, Star Children, and Twin Souls who have come to awaken your spiritual self and guide you to your higher calling.
Your spiritual team is calling on you to be aware that all interactions have a higher purpose.... no matter how mundane they may appear. Recognize that you also have lessons to teach others and your interactions with everyone on this earthly plane is a divinely guided dance. Spirit is calling you to allow these connections to happen so that others may also have a chance to achieve their own divine life purpose. You might be just the person who helps them to transform. Spirit wants you to be open to being a part of this divine orchestration.
Today's message for you: There are no coincidences.