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Card of the Day- April 3, 2024- Oracle Message

🌿🛸💖April 3, 2024💖🛸🌿

PRACTICE FREEDOM (Inner Child Oracle Cards)

Judgments that we or others have placed on ourselves can shackle us... stealing our joy and the will to fully embody our life. It is a heavy burden to carry the weight of judgment and it can keep us trapped in the cycle of fear and blame. If you are seeing this card, it might be time to consider whether you are being held prisoner by judgment.

Take some time today to reflect on the beliefs that you hold about yourself or your inner child. Write down as many core beliefs as you can and then review your statements for signs and patterns of judgmental beliefs. A good way to do this is to speak these statements out loud and then focus on the feelings and sensations you experience afterward. Where did these beliefs come from? Why do you believe this is true about yourself or your inner child? If you release the beliefs, are you afraid something might happen? Answering these questions can help you understand where these judgmental beliefs came from and why they might have been hesitant to go. Now, is the time to counter them. Write down the opposite statements to these judgmental beliefs and say them out loud to see how you feel.

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