🌿🛸💖April 28, 2023💖🛸🌿

FOX: Almost There (Animal Apothecary Oracle Cards)
In the blossoming spring season, little fox frolicked and skipped in the wild woods. As he played, his attention was constantly drawn to the distant light. The light glimmered deep in the forest past a rumbling river. Although he couldn't quite make out what the light was, every bone in his body knew that it was meant for him, and his soul would spark with joy when he saw it. It was as if the light were a magnet calling out to him… but whenever little fox ventured toward the light, he was always abruptly stopped by the roaring river before him. Little fox would fall into despair, for he could not unite with the light that called him.
Time went on, and Spring became summer. Little fox will continue to catch glimpses of the light. Still filled with excitement and longing tonight with his beloved light, he would regularly attempt to reach it, only to again be blocked by the roaring river. More time passed, and as autumn approach, little fox grew and learned many lessons. Yet he was still faced with an unquenchable thirst for the light. Little fox became distraught and angry toward life. He often cried out in sharp howls, for life was showing him the beauty of the light without allowing him to embrace it. Autumn transformed into winter and by this point little fox was now big fox, but his heart was broken, for the only thing he ever longed deeply for was out of his reach. Big fox gave up.
During the early Winter months, big fox did what he had to survive, but he had a hole in his heart. He walked with his head low, for he could not bear to look up and see the out of reach light. One night, as big fox lay asleep, snow began to fall. When big fox awoke, he was taken aback by this new element he had never experienced. As he started his day, he saw a gaggle of geese standing on the river in the distance. Completely perplexed at how they were now standing on the water he approached the river with caution. He had learned through all of his seasons of life that he must be careful and cautious. As he put his paw on the water, he found it to be hard and sturdy. He gasped and thought: "Could it be? Could this be the path to my light? Big fox carefully crossed the hard water with deep awareness. He listened for the cracks and creaks in the hard water and scanned the sky for a hawk approaching. As he crossed the river with extreme care, it dawned on him that if he were little fox, he would have run boldly across the hard water without a care in the world and could have been hurt or even killed. A shower of epiphanies began to rain on him and he realized that he had to go through all of the seasons (and learn all of the lessons) to be prepared to walk toward the light that was destined for him. As big fox finally crossed the great river, he thanked Mother Earth and Father Sky and understood that he had to wait to gain the wisdom that prepared him for crossing the great river.
The message for you is simple. If there is something you yearn for in your heart, and have been trying to achieve it with little to no success, this is a profound confirmation that it is approaching. Be patient! There is wisdom in the waiting and this is your preparation time. You're gaining what you need to unite fully with what your heart desires. Endure! What is yours will be revealed to you in divine time.
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