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Card of the Day- April 24, 2024- Oracle Message

🌿🛸💖April 24, 2024💖🛸🌿

HIGHER HEART ACTIVATION (Gateway of Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray)

You have experienced much fear, separation, and heartache in your lifetime. This has encouraged you to close off and shield yourself from possible hurt. For a long time, you’ve been trying to open yourself back up, but have been concerned about being far too vulnerable. This card shows you have realized that love isn’t something you have to work for or search for, but your divine inheritance. You have also recognized that this energy isn’t something that comes through relationships or external experiences, but is your natural state of being. The more you close off, the more you close off from your true self. The more you drop your shields, the more love is revealed. The more you express the love you are, the more it is reflected back to you. Love is your truth.

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