🌿🛸💖April1, 2024💖🛸🌿

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GO IT ALONE (Inner Child Oracle Cards)
It can be a tricky thing to navigate the spaces between independence and reliance. For many people, as they were growing up, independence might have been worshipped as the highest standard of personal character and personal achievement... and reliance on another may have been seen as a weakness or being overly needy. While it is good to take responsibility for ourselves, we were never meant to walk this life in solitude. If you are seeing this card, then it is time to be honest with yourself about what you need at this moment.
Your needs are not bad, but rather a normal part of being human. If during childhood you were not allowed to have certain needs or feel certain emotions you might have felt safer making yourself less. It is okay to make your needs known and to take up space. You do not have to separate yourself or go it alone. Take steps to connect with trusted family and friends and let them be helpful to you. They will be happy to do so and will most likely feel fulfillment and joy in being of service to you.