The Evil Eye. It sounds scary... and when someone is pointing theirs at you with jealousy or negative thoughts... it sure can be. Whether we are conscious of it or not, the energy of other people can affect us: emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and YES even physically.
A curse of The Evil Eye is given by casting a malevolent glare or bad thoughts to a person not liked or trusted. It is believed by many cultures that The Evil Eye brings injury or misfortune to those who possess it. Aulus Gellius, Callimachus, Diodorus Siculus, Heliodorus, Theocritus, and other authors of the classics are where you will find the first mention of The Evil Eye. This belief goes back over 5,000 years and can be found across many, many cultures and every continent of the world.
For as long as the belief in the Evil Eye has existed, so too has a talisman of protection. The Evil Eye, or Nazar, is an ancient symbol that protects a person and their household from negative energy that might be directed at them.
Let's break it down:

Blue: The color of evil eye protection. The traditional color for good karma, positive energies, and protection against the evil eye.
Light Blue: The color of the sky. This color symbolizes truth and therefore it provides direct protection against the evil eye.
Made of Glass: to reflect all negative energy, thoughts, and intent back to the sender.

You can carry an Evil Eye on your person, hang it in your car, put in a window or doorframe, or over your bed to protect yourself and repel any bad vibes.
Reach out if you have any questions! I have two evil eye products that can be found here:
and here: